Présentation de l'édition 2023
Applicable to all submissions
All submissions must be made via our website (online entry form). Film submissions are only possible specifically for one competition at a time. Double submissions will not be accepted.
Production date
After 1 January 2022
Premiere requirements
There are different premiere requirements in the individual competitions. Please check the individual sections and regulations.
Submission deadlines
For all competitions: 1 February 2023
Early Bird deadline (only for the International Competition): 1 October 2022
Eligible submissions received until that date will be previewed in advance. Submitters will be informed of the decisions in November 2022.
The deadline for all competitions refers to the date of receipt of the submissions. No extensions are possible.
Admitted scrfeening formats
For all competitions except MuVi: 35 mm, 16 mm und Super 8 sowie DCP
Handling fee
The submission of the first five works by one submitter is free of charge. From the sixth submission, a handling fee of 20 euros per film will be charged.
You can find the complete submission requirements in our regulations and the MuVi regulations.
Competition selection
All selection results will be announced in mid-March 2023.
Œuvres & talents français
Mention du jury œcuménique compétition enfance et jeunesse : Le Jour de gloire
Équipe & contacts
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