Présentation de l'événement
The Valladolid International Film Festival is one of the oldest and most consolidated in the whole of Europe. It was born on 20 March 1956 as an additional feature of the Easter celebrations named the “Religious Film Week”, according to an understanding of the seventh art as a vehicle for the transmission of Catholic moral values.
The demand for quality that already since the Festival’s beginnings became its enduring mark of identity was not always matched by a sufficient quantity of scheduled films: in other words, quite often there were not enough films to fill the Festival’s programme –not, in any case, of religious subject-matter. This situation led to the first turning point in the history of the Festival, which four years after its inception was converted into the International “Religion & Human Values” Film Week The name reflects the major novelty introduced in the Festival at that time: the admission of films where the emphasis lay on human values and a sense of committment.
The second turning point took place in 1973, when the Festival adopted its permament denomination as the Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid or –in a literal rendering— Valladolid’s International Film Week. The new name involved getting rid of the Festival’s religious orientation in the wake of developments influenced by two major factors: the rise in the number of films entering competition and the fact that producers were beginning to arrange for the premiere of their films to take place in the Valladolid Film Week.
As for the source of the acronym by which the Festival is generally known at home –SEMINCI— , the story is fairly anecdotal, since rather than the result of the modern urge for single terms capable of blending full phrases, it was born out of a much more prosaic need: that of saving words in telegrams.
Information pour le long-métrage
Contact UniFrance : Delphyne Besse
Conditions d'admission courts métrages
Film produit à partir de : Octobre 2021
Contact UniFrance court-métrage pour cette manifestation : Tiziana D'Egidio
Sous titrage obligatoire
Durée maximale : 30'
Film produit à partir de : Octobre 2021
Genres acceptés : Fiction, animation et documentaire
Conditions : Films inédits (pays) uniquement
Format requis préselection : Short Film Gallery, Fichier Vidéo
Format requis projection : Fichiers Vidéo, DCP (Digital Cinema Package)
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