Présentation de la société
What’s happening at TVzavr
The website of the TVzavr video service stopped working on June 10. An interlocutor close to the management of TVzavr told Vedomosti that the disconnection of the company from the network infrastructure (Megafon) for non-payment could be a possible reason. The press service of the operator denied this information to Vedomosti.
The Whois data shows the domain is still in the database of the national registrar Ru-Center, but the resource itself is no longer present on the hosting, says Director of the Institute for Internet Research Karen Ghazaryan. TVzavr's hosting provider is Netrack. At the time of publication, this company did not respond to Vedomosti's request.
TVzavr was founded in 2010 by private investors. Since the very beginning, it was available Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The last two countries, as follows from the TMT Consulting report, accounted for up to 10% of revenue (659.4 million rubles in 2020). Ruslan Kaftanatiy has been the main owner of the legal entity TVzavr LLC (99%) since December 2019; another 1% belongs to Alexander Pavlov. Kaftanatiy also owns the same interest in TVzavr Development LLC, which was engaged in the development and technical support of the site.
Kaftanatiy was previously a minority shareholder of TVzavr, but, having gained control over it, announced investments in the video service in the amount of 1 billion rubles in 2020–2021. The money was planned to be spent on the production of original content, promotion and development of the video service. However, the video service continued to buy content from third-party companies, including foreign majors, but never started making its own. TVzavr was promoted mainly on a barter basis, two interlocutors of Vedomosti know. At the same time, Kaftanatiy was looking for a buyer for the video service throughout 2020 and was negotiating with telecommunications companies, two top managers say. He planned to sell the asset for 1 billion rubles, which approximately equals the annual revenue of TVzavr in 2019, the interlocutor of Vedomosti close to Kaftanatiy knows.
The online cinema market share has been declining in recent years. Until 2020, TMT Consulting singled it out in its reviews as a separate player (the analysts of this company include video services with a market share of 5% or more). At the end of last year, the share of TVzavr dropped to 2.4%, and its income was recorded in the “Other” column.
About 90% of TVzavr's revenue comes from advertising, according to the TMT Consulting report. Since 2013, the sale of advertising has been carried out by the seller IMHO (part of the NSK company) on the basis of an exclusive unlimited contract. Another 10% is revenue from the paid model, of which 5% is from subscription revenue. At the end of 2020, the number of subscribers was about 20.000-30.000, estimates the project director of TMT Consulting Elena Krylova.
Last year TVzavr started having problems with contractors. The Electronic Justice database shows that eight lawsuits were filed against TVzavr for a total amount of about 110 million rubles in 2020 and since the beginning of 2021. On April 21, the Moscow Arbitration Court accepted for consideration the application of one of the creditors declaring TVzavr bankrupt. The first hearing is scheduled for June 15.
At the beginning of 2021, TVzavr had a debt to a number of employees, many of whom then left this company, three former employees of Tvzavr told Vedomosti earlier. One of the employees said in an interview with Vedomosti that the company had paid off its debts.
In recent months, employees have left the company en masse; the commercial department actually ceased its activities in the beginning of 2021. In March, Adcamp took over the maintenance of all advertising contracts, TVzavr and Adcamp told Vedomosti at the time. Adcamp CEO Sergey Biryukov told Vedomosti that the company no longer cooperates with TVzavr.
A week and a half ago, all the remaining employees left TVzavr, according to the interlocutor of Vedomosti, who is familiar with the situation, and a source close to Kaftanatiy. “This is about 20 people, including top managers and key employees - the GM of the TVzavr company Vladimir Shcheglov, the chief accountant, as well as the GM of TVzavr Development Alexander Pavlov,” says the source of Vedomosti.
The accounts TVzavr and TVzavr Development in Sberbank and VTB are blocked for non-payment of taxes, fees, penalties or fines, follows from the database SPARK-Interfax.
Scheglov did not answer the call from Vedomosti, Pavlov declined to comment. It was not possible to contact the chief accountant at the time of publication. Kaftanatiy's phone was disconnected all day on June 10. No one answered the landline phones of the companies.
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